The year was 2001. We had just returned from a trip to Israel, where we distributed the Gospel of John and the Jesus Film on CD to the Druze people group in Galilee. Over 90 families had asked for a return visit. This moment was the spark that led several men from Hunters Glen Baptist Church in Plano, Texas, to believe that we could do more to reach the world for Christ. Soon, the name “The Center for Global Ministries” was selected, and our story officially began. In May of this year, “The Center” celebrated its 21st year as an organization. Looking back over those 21 years, it is amazing how God used this ministry to touch the lives of thousands of people worldwide.
Russia, Israel, West Bank, Jordan, Lebanon, Philippines, India…
Places where The Center has worked to reach underserved people with the gospel of Jesus Christ
15,000+ people have been saved and been baptized through The Center
12,000+ people reached and taught by The Center’s pastors and teachers
350+ people have partnered and ministered with The Center worldwide
We reach underserved people groups. The Center is called to reach those who might otherwise never hear the gospel. We work where it is not likely that an American-style church will ever be founded. Government and cultural issues prevail. We seek God’s direction to places and people who are a minority in some way – meaning they are being overlooked.
We work in the 10-40 Window. This window is a rectangular area that covers from 10 degrees north of the equator to 40 degrees north. In this area covering 68 countries, most people haven’t heard the Gospel of Christ.
We need your support. The work relies on your prayers and willingness to give. We are frugal with what you give to this ministry. The Center is all volunteer, and 100% of what you provide goes to the ministry without any overhead or administration charges. Will you consider a financial gift at this time? Can you give $21 a month for the next year to remember the work being done for Christ?
How You Can Help
Support The Center For Global Ministries through prayer and financial support. Give at